Magical Cocktails to End The Year

December 23, 2014

Christmas is coming, and that means 2015 is just around the corner! Are you pumped? We sure are! Whatever you wish to celebrate, we have the cocktail for you to set the festive mood.

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The 3 Essentials to a Mouthwatering Roast

December 18, 2014

Want to make a roast as delicious as it looks in the video below? You don't want it too dry, or too overdone. Whether it's chicken, beef, or turkey, the 3 essentials to a good roast still apply.

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Season's Greetings from Pantry Pursuits!

December 15, 2014

Here's a small thank you for shopping with us!

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A Recipe with Meaning: Mince Pies with Brandy Butter

December 12, 2014

The making of mince pies has always been a cherished tradition filled with meaning. Mince pies should rightly be made at home, not purchased over a counter-top, for the perfect crispy buttery crust and taste of mellowed brandied fruit. 
Check out the recipe for bite-sized melt-in-your-mouth festive goodness!

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Back to Basics: Easy Fruitcake (with a hint of chocolate)

December 04, 2014

Perfected over 10 years of trial and error, this humble fruitcake recipe will win you over with its taste and cooking simplicity. There's no need to use a food processor- boil ingredients, insert in oven, and you have a delightful heartfelt gift for friends and family. Check out the recipe here!

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