$11.50 SGD $14.95 SGD
Made of stainless steel, this dredger features sleek, easy to hold exterior. The wire mesh...
$9.70 SGD $12.65 SGD
Do you love sprinkling chocolate powder over whipped cream on your mocha lattes? Or maybe...
$7.80 SGD $10.20 SGD
Do you love sprinkling chocolate powder over whipped cream on your mocha lattes? Or maybe...
$8.50 SGD $11.10 SGD
Do you love sprinkling chocolate powder over whipped cream on your mocha lattes? Or maybe...
$25.20 SGD $32.90 SGD
This Paderno stainless steel cocoa dredger dusts pastries with powdered sugar, cocoa and cinnamon. It...